Donnerstag, 24. Dezember 2009

Merry Christmas, 5S!

Hello everyone.

As I am waiting for my nephews and nieces to return from the "Kindermette" I thought, I could post you all a little note wishing you a

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

May the new year begin with similar success as many of you had in the last few weeks - with maths and the other tests, which hopefully went well for all of you!

Relax, have a great time with your loved ones and be good! :-)

Merry Christmas, see you again on January 7th 2010 -
with reloaded batteries and full of energy.

All the best,

Ernst Fischer

"White Christmas" Sing along version! :-) Click here.
"I´m driving home for Christmas" - Chris Rea - click here.
The ALLTIME CLASSIC - Wham´s "Last Christmas" - click here.