I hope you liked the project with Carmen, Marina and Lü Qiang just as much as me and Prof. Mayer and took a lot of information AND cultural sensitivity away with you into the holidays.
Whatever you do in the next one and a half weeks - have a good time doing it and enjoy the peace and quiet of not having to go to school. Get your energy levels back up and your enthusiasm as well, so we can get started on the next project when you guys return to school:
Getting to 6S the next year. :-)
Have fun, oh, AND DO NOT FORGET TO ASK YOUR PARENTS about the "ELTERNSPRECHTAG" - we need cakes, any kind of material you can put on sandwiches, coffee.... and so on!
Happy Easter,
Oh, click on happy easter! ;-) Oh, and to get some info about the Kitzsteinhorn, click here.