Donnerstag, 17. April 2008

One night in school!!

At four o'clock our class, Herr Professor Fischer and Anne-Marie were in school. We spoke about our classcommunity (Klassengemeinschaft). After this discoussion we went to the assembly hall (Aula). Then Carina and Mimi visited us. We played a lot of "funny" games and then we played handball, volleybal and handball. After the sportslesson we had a little disco. We were very crazy and sang horrible. Then the teacher said, it's time for bed, but before all kids had to take their "Schlafsäcke" and had to go in the middle. Then we had to count from 1-26. Nobody was allowed to speak, when another person spoke. Then we went to bed. At the morning we became breakfast and we could play volleybal handball again. At ten o'clock we went home. The night was really great and i hope that this night wasn't the last. :]

Made by Evelyn, Tiana, Jasmin, Lukas and Dominik.
Written by Evelyn.

1 Kommentar:

Ernst Fischer hat gesagt…

Hi lasses and lads! A good text... BUT watch out, you do not become breakfast! That means somebody has eaten you! ;-) Have a nice week!