As promised I am putting some pics on the blog today. Some are from our trip to the zoo in the lovely city of Haag, some were taken at the class competition on the Thursday of our last week at school. Enjoy them, I think they are very nice!
Grisi und Ines auf der Fahrt nach Stadt Haag --- +++ Frau Prof. Fellner helping the kids with their worksheets...
The mighty tiger relaxing in the sun after being fed---+++ Sophie and Jojo checking the "Fischer" donkeys
The group on the pic to our right liked the pirate ship very much - so they spent a long time hanging in its ropes and playing around there - we even tried to play volleyball on it, but that proved to be really difficult - no one fell off, so that´s quite good!
The pictures below were taken at the sports competition in school - we won the third class competition clearly, after successfully managing to come first in 7 out of 8!!! events!
Well done, 3s! :-)
The biology team came 1st!
So did the maths
In the end, I would like to show you another picture, which was taken before the competitions... it shows Flo, Julian and Sili of 3s as well as Manuel and Taffi from 3t - this was the team to win the Landesmeisterschaften in gymnastics... they were rewarded by headmaster Christian Schacherreiter in the morning, lesson 3, together with many other students - among them Birgit Schönfelder for having 1s in all her subjects in school - well done, Birgit!
So, more to come from my holidays, but now it´s your turn...
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