One day we went on a boat trip. At midnight our ship was sinking. We jumped on a byboat and we only had one candle on board, nothing else.Then a big ship came, but the ship didn't see us. We lit the candle and threw a shoe through a window of the ship. We hopefully waited for a few seconds then the ship stopped and saved us. But the captain looked strange 'cause he had a wooden foot an eyeclap and a parrot on his shoulder. He laught very strangely like: "HA HA HA" and tied us up at the mast. Then I woke up and everything was wet in my bed. oO
by Hummer, Leonhartsberger and last but not least Wagner.
1 Kommentar:
Excellent work, boys! ;-) Oh, check out this link below for a really nice song and a fantastic video - well, I think so anyways.
It´s called morning elegance by oren lavie...
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