Donnerstag, 24. Dezember 2009

Merry Christmas, 5S!

Hello everyone.

As I am waiting for my nephews and nieces to return from the "Kindermette" I thought, I could post you all a little note wishing you a

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

May the new year begin with similar success as many of you had in the last few weeks - with maths and the other tests, which hopefully went well for all of you!

Relax, have a great time with your loved ones and be good! :-)

Merry Christmas, see you again on January 7th 2010 -
with reloaded batteries and full of energy.

All the best,

Ernst Fischer

"White Christmas" Sing along version! :-) Click here.
"I´m driving home for Christmas" - Chris Rea - click here.
The ALLTIME CLASSIC - Wham´s "Last Christmas" - click here.

Sonntag, 29. November 2009

The Aliens

Yesterday my friends and I wanted to play a game with a ball. I invited my friend and I asked him what we could play with the ball. All of a sudden Aliens from the planet named MGC came down from the sky. Out of the U.F.O. came the Mühllackinger Gaming Crew with Imba-Skilled, m-Kay, Fragging-Sam, Amulit and their leader Cermedes. They invited us to play a quick game of Counter Strike. We had to fight against them on our laptops. It was an immense battle but we surpassed them easily. And so we saved our planet. They went home by bus, because we had won their U.F.O. in the game as well.
By Taferner Azesberger and Pröller

Donnerstag, 26. November 2009

A strange boat trip

One day we went on a boat trip. At midnight our ship was sinking. We jumped on a byboat and we only had one candle on board, nothing else.Then a big ship came, but the ship didn't see us. We lit the candle and threw a shoe through a window of the ship. We hopefully waited for a few seconds then the ship stopped and saved us. But the captain looked strange 'cause he had a wooden foot an eyeclap and a parrot on his shoulder. He laught very strangely like: "HA HA HA" and tied us up at the mast. Then I woke up and everything was wet in my bed. oO

by Hummer, Leonhartsberger and last but not least Wagner.

Dienstag, 24. November 2009

THE THREE BRAVE LITTLE GRAPES by Birgit, Ines, Sarah and Kathi

Once upon a time there were three little grapes, who had to do three tasks.
First they had to cross a bridge, where a bad witch was living. The witch saw the grapes and ate one of them while the other two grapes moved on to the next task.
Suddenly the air turned black. And now it was really, really dark. So they had to go to heaven and beg the angels to turn on the light again and make the air transparent again :-) The angel aswered:"I will turn on the light again if I am allowed to eat one of you because I am so hungry!!!" So one of them sacrified himself. The last grape jumped into a bottle of wine to improve the taste of it. And if they had survived, they would certainly have lived happily ever after.

Samstag, 21. November 2009

Grammar - make or do, and the quantifiers (much, many, ...)

Make or do? What´s it to you?
Well, it should be lots because it is a very dangerous topic in class and when writing texts! ;-) So, here is a link where you can find a multiple choice exercise to practice the difference!
  • Click here to see if you can do it!
  • Click this link to find another one!

Another problem, that we sometimes come across is when we try to use the correct forms of much, many, some, any... the quantifiers! So, I have also found several links with practice exercises.
So, if you can do all these exercises flawlessly (=without a mistake) You won´t have any problems with them in your texts anymore!
Good luck trying them out,

Mittwoch, 18. November 2009

Gerund or Infinitive?

Hi everybody,

I have just found a website where you can read about and test yourselves on gerund or infinitive after different verbs... check it out by clicking here.

Is interesting and will help you to improve your style of writing tremendously!

Also, I have discovered a page where you can test yourselves on much and many sentences! Worth doing! Click here.


Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2009

Monty Python´s celebrating their 40th birthday!

Hi folks,

on the Presse website today I found a link worth checking out - it shows the "best", funniest and also most "black" sketches of the Monty Python´s in their long and shining career in comedy. Check out the story by cllicking here.


Montag, 28. September 2009

Gus Backus - Superstar of the mid 20th century!

Hi folks, as we talked about Gus Backus briefly today in class, I checked him out on Youtube for you - actually, I think it was 7SB I talked to when we ... nevermind, I am putting this on here - enjoy the video of "Bohnen in die Ohr´n" ;-)

Donnerstag, 20. August 2009

Back from the holidays

Alright future 5s?
Have just returned from 3 amazing weeks in England and am now, after recovering a little, looking forward to the next few weeks of the holidays... I still have a volleyball course with the little ones and a youth football coaching week ahead of me - a lot of fun.
The pics below shall give you an impression of my time in England. See you soon, folks, all the best!

Sonntag, 19. Juli 2009


Hi guys, just a little note to say hello to everyone, especially the ones, we will not see as much anymore in the following school year!

I hope you are all enjoying your holidays as much as I am, although I am getting ready for my English camp in Benenden ( and have to do some work for that.
I am sending you one picture, in the background you can see our beautiful school (I believe you are missing school already too?).

I - and I guess everybody else - would be delighted if you put some info about your summer on the blog as well! If you have the chance and a second to spare, just put on a picture or describe what you are doing!


Ernst Fischer

Montag, 15. Juni 2009

Solutions for the last exercise!

Hi kids, here are the solutions of the last exercise on the worksheet:

The test (which) Mr. Fischer prepared for us was hard.
Mr. Squirrel who is our head teacher is a super teacher.
Mrs. Yardfarmer, whose subjects are German and history, is another one of our teachers.
In general, the students of 4s, who sometimes can be really stupid, are ok.

This is it, hopefully you did not make any mistakes - make sure you look at all the facts of the units as well, otherwise it might be a bit long for you guys!


Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2009

Some material to prepare for the test

Hi students,

after the disastrous result of the final grammar check up about the reported speech here are some exercises for you to practice for the last test next Tuesday.
I will put the (possible) solutions on as well, so make sure you do the tests first and then look at the answers, ok?

Good luck, do not forget that you can still send me letters of complaint if you want - I will look at and correct everything I get by Sunday evening!

Enjoy the long weekend and study hard, some of you really need it!


Here are the "correct" solutions...

Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2009

Made by Fuxi

Sonntag, 10. Mai 2009

Congratulations to all the runners at yesterday´s Goldwoerth competition!

Hello everybody,
just before my mum is calling me in for lunch and we are celebrating Mother´s Day, I wanted to congratulate the pupils who competed in the run at Goldwoerth yesterday.
Nearly all of you made it and managed to get a positive result. Especially some of the girls, Cosima, Birgit, Johanna, Jassi, ... well done, and I bet it felt good to be on stage to get your prizes! ;-) But for the few of you who did not reach the time limits, going all the way was a success too!
Oh, to see the results, just click here.
Now, enjoy your Mother´s Day, be nice to your parents and have a good one - wish me luck for my match in the afternoon and take care.

Dienstag, 28. April 2009

Pictures from the skiing day in Hinterstoder!

Hi class,
as promised I have now put pics from our ski trip to Hinterstoder on our blog. They are all from jumping in the fun park, as I did not take pictures anywhere else. But some of the jumps were really cool. See them below:


Samstag, 18. April 2009


Hi there kids,

this is just a quick note to tell you that on Monday, instead of going swimming, your teachers have decided to take you out for a practice run for Goldwörth!
So, please, bring your running shoes and proper clothes... !!! There are no excuses, as I have also sent an email to your parents! ;-)
For the weather, click on this link:

See you on Monday, bring your stuff, and do not forget to bring your homework on Tuesday! ;-)


Montag, 13. April 2009

Happy Easter!

Hi students, I wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter and hope that the Easterbunny has been a good girl this year and has brought you many good things - happiness, joy, a good laugh, and so on!
Sorry about not posting any pics of the skiing yet but due to (= aufgrund, wegen) several factors I have not been able to put them on so far.
1) I was skiing in Obertauern over the weekend - perfect snow and such a laugh!
2) Cannot find my usb connection to my pc, so I cannot upload the pics on my notebook... as soon as I have it I´ll do that!

Ok, that´s it, looking forward to going to school on Wednesday, honestly! ;-)


PS.: I took the link out, it is a bit too drastic - DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME, ok? ERF

Freitag, 3. April 2009


We students had a very good time, and I hope the teachers too.
It was great fun and I think the ones, who stayed at home, had really missed something!
The snow in the moarning was great, but sometimes in the afternoon it was very adhesive.
At the last downhill run Cosi and I had jumped over all the hillocks at the slopes.
It was soooooooooooooo funny...^^

Donnerstag, 2. April 2009

Super skiing in Hinterstoder

Hi guys, just wanted to tell you that we teachers had a really good time with you at the "Hoess" today, and I personally want to thank you for behaving mostly well!
So, check the page during the holidays, as I will put pics on the blog as soon as possible.
Cheerio, and see you tomorrow,


Mittwoch, 18. März 2009

Hi students, I have found another good info page about gerund and infinitive on the web - check out this page and surf on from there by clicking here!

Sonntag, 8. März 2009

Reported Speech - new links!

Hi there, pupils.

I am providing some links for you, so you can practice Reported Speech online. I hope you will be able to cope with it, as it is a relatively important part of the next test....

Here are the links - just click the icons that follow:

Indirect Speech - another explanation! and exercises
Test on Eduhi offers a wide variety of exercises
An exercise with many questions... you need "if" for questions!

Good luck and have fun doing the tests and exercises online...

Samstag, 3. Januar 2009

Web Night
On Thursday, the 4th, fifteen students invited seniors to work one afternoon on the new media, the internet. All pupils mined that their grandparents didn’t use the internet so very much. A few days they had an idea. They wanted to invited some senior citizens. So the group of kids went to the community centre. There they spoke with the leader of this installation. He said: ”I will draw attention of some seniors.” Next day they made some information sheets. At the web night we all were very nervous. But after a few minutes all participants were here. First we Thought their to switch on and off the During the afternoon we made it more difficult. It was great and I hope there will be a sequel.

Hello. I am Lukas.
We are planning a Web Night on the 4th November in Morris Comprehensive School. I would like to invite you, because we want to teach you to handle with the computer. Would you be interested in surfing in the internet? Would you like to know about the various programs?
Then we can help you!
We offer to teach you to use the computer during the Web Night.
Yours sincerely

Dear Lukas.
Thank you for your nice invitation. I’ll be very happy to join your Web Night, but I’m also a little bit afraid, because I’ve never worked with a computer before. I hope, I wouldn’t be too stupid to learn something new.
Yours sincerely
Diane Kennedy

Using computers by elderly people.
In my opinion elderly people should work more with the computer, because so they get more information about health, sports, science or events.
They also can buy some things and so they haven’t to go to the shops and carry heavy bags. So their backs aren’t so ruined.
Besides retired elderly people can use chat rooms in the internet to be in touch with their friends, if they can’t leave their home.
In my opinion elderly people shouldn’t work with the computer, because most of them haven’t worked with the computer yet. It’s to hard for them to learn the functions, so somebody needs a lot of time to explain it. Some internet pages are hard for them to handle, because they don’t know which button they have to press. So it’s easy to trick them by internet.

E-Mail to somebody
Hi Paul.
What’s going on?
Would you like to go ice skating tomorrow?
Today I have got an new internet access. I want to test it and so I send you this E- mail. Please write back soon.
Yours sincerely

Traffic in my surroundings
I live in Linz. From Monday to Friday I go to school by bus.
Sometimes my parents gives me a lift to my school. On Monday and Wednesday I drive to Oftering, because there is my football practise.
If I go a few minutes, I can drive with the bus to the city or to my school.
I think, it's good that some of the public transport are driving with natural gas.
But in my opinion there aren't enough cyclepaths in Linz.

Dear Mr. Fischer, I hope, you enjoy your holidays and here are my texts.
Please, can you read and correct them.


Freitag, 2. Januar 2009

Come exercise solutions download

Hi here are the solutions for the COME worksheet you got before the holidays!Have a nice day,


Materials and solutions for some exercises!

Hello everybody - I hope you all had a lively cross over into the new year and are doing fine. back to work for me now!

I am posting a couple of things for you... for the ones who have lost it, I will again post the material information for the test... that´s here - watch out there are 3 pages!:

Also, I have written down the correct info/solutions for the translations piece of paper I gave you a week before the holidays - we did not correct it. So you get the info now, ok? The first part we did in school, so there is no need to write it down again... I am not going to post the worksheet that I told you about with the different forms of the irregular verbs... they will not be part of the test this time, but for the next one. However, do NOT forget you need to know the past forms of most of the verbs anyways, you might have to write a text in the past tense! ;-)
ALSO: Do not forget that I gave you a handout about the different phrasal verbs that can be made with the verb COME... you can work out the answers in the next few days - I´ll post the solutions as well. And some of them will also come up in the test!!! So, it´s worth doing it!
There´s ONE more (grammar) thing: "Ich möchte, dass ihr euch gut vorbereitet!" (In English: ?) Who can say that in English? The first commentary to send the correct answer gets a plus! Really!)
If there are questions, do not hesitate to post them here! If you need anything... let me know!