We met in front of the Georg von Peuerbach gymnasium on the 22nd of September.
At quarter past eight we had to be there because we left at nine o´ clock.
We made a “rest” in Anfelden for half an hour. An hour later we stopped again at a reststop. At about half past twelve we arrived at the “Ödwirt” inn. There a few of the girls stayed and the rest of the classes rode on their bikes to the camp. A little bit later we, the girls who stayed at the “Ödwirt”, also rode on their bikes up to the camp.
There the girls of the 4. S cooked the lunch for the others and after that the boys had to wash dishes.
At three o´ clock the 4. T went mountain biking and the 4. S went climbing. First we learned abseiling and then we climbed around in the climbing hall. The people who liked could climb on time. It was really good fun.
A short time after six o´ clock we had dinner. We had Schnitzel and salad to eat. After that we had to go up to the camp again because there we had a game evening. We played “Mäxchen” and about ten o´ clock the girls who slept by the “Ödwirt” went back to it. We stayed awake till eleven o´ clock then we went to bed.
On the next day we woke up at about quarter to eight. We had breakfast at eight o´ clock. An hour later we left for a whole day tour. We travelled along a street for 15 minutes and then rode and walked up a very steep mountain. We had to walk for one and a half hours till we reached the first hut. There we made a short rest. After the rest we walked to another hut. A few of the people walked further up the hill and the rest of the people walked back to the first hut, the “Schönwetter” hut. There we all met again and walked for one an hour back to our bikes. We needed only ten minutes to cycle down the hill again and 15 minutes to drive back to the “Ödwirt”. We had turkey with vegetables and rice for dinner.
And now we are writing this text.
At quarter past eight we had to be there because we left at nine o´ clock.
We made a “rest” in Anfelden for half an hour. An hour later we stopped again at a reststop. At about half past twelve we arrived at the “Ödwirt” inn. There a few of the girls stayed and the rest of the classes rode on their bikes to the camp. A little bit later we, the girls who stayed at the “Ödwirt”, also rode on their bikes up to the camp.
There the girls of the 4. S cooked the lunch for the others and after that the boys had to wash dishes.
At three o´ clock the 4. T went mountain biking and the 4. S went climbing. First we learned abseiling and then we climbed around in the climbing hall. The people who liked could climb on time. It was really good fun.
A short time after six o´ clock we had dinner. We had Schnitzel and salad to eat. After that we had to go up to the camp again because there we had a game evening. We played “Mäxchen” and about ten o´ clock the girls who slept by the “Ödwirt” went back to it. We stayed awake till eleven o´ clock then we went to bed.
On the next day we woke up at about quarter to eight. We had breakfast at eight o´ clock. An hour later we left for a whole day tour. We travelled along a street for 15 minutes and then rode and walked up a very steep mountain. We had to walk for one and a half hours till we reached the first hut. There we made a short rest. After the rest we walked to another hut. A few of the people walked further up the hill and the rest of the people walked back to the first hut, the “Schönwetter” hut. There we all met again and walked for one an hour back to our bikes. We needed only ten minutes to cycle down the hill again and 15 minutes to drive back to the “Ödwirt”. We had turkey with vegetables and rice for dinner.
And now we are writing this text.
2 Kommentare:
Great stuff, interesting to read about our trip to Soelktal from your perspective - and there`s a +++ in it for you girls as well!
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